The training workshop for Analysts in Financial Investigation is part of the implementation of the action entitled "Strengthening Budgetary Governance for the Provision of Sustainable Basic Services While Respecting the Preservation of the Environment". This action is supported by the consortium composed of Africa Development Interchange Network (ADIN), Afroleadership, African Regional Center for Endogenous and Community Development (CRADEC), Dynamique Mondiale des Jeunes (DMJ) and Transparency International - Cameroon (TI-Cameroon). It is funded by the Delegation of the European Union in Cameroon, within the framework of Cameroon-European Union cooperation.
The general objective of the workshop is to train participants in the identification, collection, analysis and interpretation of economic and financial data from Cameroon / Central Africa sub-region, in connection with international trade, through existing databases. Post-training monitoring will accompany the completion of a benchmark study on IFFs in Cameroon.
More specifically, it will be:
• Explain and understand the international context and trade, economic agreements between states in general and the specific case of Cameroon;
• Identify and explain the various tax conventions of Cameroon with the partners; the information available to the government on the costs and benefits from these agreements;
• Present and use independent sources of information on Cameroon's trade, beyond the information available to the Cameroonian government;
• Provide participants with tools to identify situations and sources of illicit financial flows in international trade;
• Provide participants with tools for the exploitation, interpretation and structuring of data, in order to produce qualitative and quantitative information on IFFs in relation to international trade;
• Engage participants in a research process on IFFs in trade in Cameroon.