+237 222 232 164 [email protected] Lun-Ven : 8H30-16H30

About Us

Created in 1996 and registered in Cameroon under N° 00088 / RDA / J06 / BAPP, on April 22, the African Regional Center for Community and Endogenous Development is a development support association under Cameroonian law. Its objectives contribute to the full development of communities at the base focused on self-promotion. This self-promotion requires respect for rights and duties as citizens and stakeholders in the management of public affairs at all levels. CRADEC thus pleads for the fight against tax evasion and fraud for an optimization of tax revenues which guarantee the financing of development objectives. CRADEC is a member of the Cameroon Coalition PWYP, a founding member of the Network for Tax Justice in Africa (TJNA) and sits on the Board of Directors.

As realizations:

  • Case Studies and investigations on Strengthening of Tax Justice and Strengthening of Budgetary Governance in Cameroon
  • The production: of a Political Note on the "Monitoring of the Domestication of the African Mining Vision in Cameroon"; a Guide to Tax Justice…


The African Regional Center for Community and Endogenous Development has as vision to contribute to the strengthening of budgetary governance and tax justice, for an improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of public policies (Areas of financing the economy; public markets and mining industries) as well as the access of populations to quality information (accurate, understandable, exhaustive and complete) in the context of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


CRADEC has as missions to:

  • Reduce Illicit Financial Flows (IFF) from Cameroon for the financing of development priorities;
  • Strengthen the public procurement system in Cameroon;
  • Promote the implementation of the principle of environmental and social responsibility (CSR) in mining projects and the implementation of the SDGs in Cameroon.


A strengthened Budget Governance and Tax Justice, vectors of inclusive and sustainable growth to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


CRADEC's values are:

Justice - Transparency - Solidarity (towards oneself and our community) - responsibility (sharing and reporting).


The promotion of self-promotion and the development of citizens by taking charge of their own destiny.


Our strategy calls for a participative approach that puts the disadvantaged person at the center