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General Assembly and Election of the Executive Director of CRADEC as President of the Executive Council

of the Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA)

The African Regional Center for Endogenous and Community Development (CRADEC) is honored to announce the election of its Executive Director to the presidency of the Executive Council of Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) for the term 2024-2027.

This election, marking a historic milestone, makes CRADEC the first bilingual organization (French and English) to hold this prestigious position within the network.

As Cameroon moves towards development, it faces major challenges such as tax evasion, illicit financial flows and tax injustice. These have a serious impact on the country's economic and social advancement and undermine the mobilisation of domestic resources needed to finance essential public services and reduce inequalities. Political decision-makers therefore need to be informed and made aware of these crucial issues so that they can make an effective commitment to remedying the situation.

As part of the "Strengthening Tax Justice in Cameroon" phase 3 project, a workshop was held at the Talotel hotel in Bafoussam to build the capacity of civil society.

The training covered a number of key aspects relating to taxation, tax decentralisation, tax fairness, illicit financial flows, citizen mobilisation and the planning of awareness-raising events.

At its session on 18 August 2023, the (EITI) Cameroon Committee examined a draft revision of the 2018 EITI Decree, drawn up by an ad hoc group. This revision aims to improve the Committee's internal governance and ensure its compliance with the New 2019 EITI Standard.

At its session on 18 August 2023, the (EITI) Cameroon Committee examined a draft revision of the 2018 EITI Decree, drawn up by an ad hoc group. This revision aims to improve the Committee's internal governance and ensure its compliance with the New 2019 EITI Standard

A commitment to improvement

The revision of the 2018 EITI Decree is part of a broader commitment to transparency and accountability in the extractive resources sector in Cameroon. The approach stems from the need to correct shortcomings identified during the last EITI Validation, when the Committee's internal governance was described as "inadequate progress" by the EITI Initiative.

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) plays a crucial role in promoting transparency and accountability in the extractive resources sector in Cameroon. With this in mind, an in-depth analysis of the draft revision of the 2018 decree establishing, organising and operating the EITI Implementation Monitoring Committee in Cameroon was carried out by an ad hoc group of the College of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).

The purpose of this analysis is to assess the consistency and compliance with existing laws and regulations, as well as the relevance of the provisions proposed in the draft revision in relation to the objective of compliance with the New EITI Standard for 2019. It also aims to make recommendations for improving the draft.

On Tuesday 27 June 2023, a Round Table was held in Yaoundé as a prelude to Parliament's next Budget Orientation Debate (DOB). The event brought together the APNIFFT ("African Parliamentarians Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation"), representatives of civil society and the media to discuss how to improve the legal framework governing the DOB, with a view to establishing an inclusive, effective and efficient parliamentary debate on responsible budgetary guidelines.

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