+237 222 232 164 [email protected] Lun-Ven : 8H30-16H30

To encourage civil society to clarify the objectives of its participation in the EITI and to ensure that it is well represented and has the necessary capacities to be able to participate freely, actively, effectively and fully in the process; CRADEC opened an opportunity for reflection on Tuesday March 29, 2022 in Yaoundé to the CSO-ITIE Platform extended to other groups, to review the dynamics of monitoring the EITI process within and outside the EITI Committee in order to ensure that the issues and national priorities on compliance with the Standard constitute points of convergence of attention and resources of the various groups working on the governance of the extractive sector in Cameroon.

CRADEC contributed to the AFRODAD Media Initiative (AFROMEDI) II training from March 21 to 23, 2022 in Yaoundé, organized by the African Forum on Debt and Development (AFRODAD) in collaboration with Africa Development Interchange Network (ADIN) . The objective of this intervention was to demonstrate to participants from the media and CSOs the link between tax justice, illicit financial flows and debt, and the consequences on the financing of the African economy. The activity ended with the launch of the continental network MEDIA DEBT NETWORK AFRICA/Cameroon, a network to which CRADEC has joined.

In Cameroon, as everywhere else, community participation in public management in the Decentralized Territorial Collectivities (CTD) in Cameroon depends on the inclusion of all sections of society in the management of public affairs, in accordance with the principle of "Letting nobody aside", a central transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals.

«Budgetary governance and health crisis: state of preservation of public assets for the guarantee of human rights in Covid-19 time in Cameroon», it is under this theme that the 3rd edition of the CITIZEN'S DIALOGUE will be held from December 9 to 10, 2021 at the MERINA Hotel - Yaounde. Carried by the Consortium ADIN, Afroleadership, CRADEC, DMJ and TI-C, as well as the CRADEC / TJNA partnership; it falls within the ongoing fight against corruption, the fight against tax evasion, the analysis of the management of public wealth and the evaluation of their impacts on human rights.

The National Observatory on the state of tax fairness in Cameroon was launched at the Djeuga Hotel in Yaounde on Friday 12 November 2021. The main objective of the State of Tax Fairness in Cameroon is to strengthen advocacy activities at both national and local levels. The establishment of a national observatory for tax fairness which will be composed of representatives from the administration, parliament, the private sector and civil society.

Too bad! It's been almost two years since we've been living with this global pandemic. While we are still engaged in the fight against this crisis, I hope that you and your families are taking the necessary precautions. We look forward to getting things back to normal and being able to hold our gatherings again without restrictions, especially in terms of numbers!

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