To encourage civil society to clarify the objectives of its participation in the EITI and to ensure that it is well represented and has the necessary capacities to be able to participate freely, actively, effectively and fully in the process; CRADEC opened an opportunity for reflection on Tuesday March 29, 2022 in Yaoundé to the CSO-ITIE Platform extended to other groups, to review the dynamics of monitoring the EITI process within and outside the EITI Committee in order to ensure that the issues and national priorities on compliance with the Standard constitute points of convergence of attention and resources of the various groups working on the governance of the extractive sector in Cameroon.
Held one day before the meeting of the EITI Committee, it therefore aimed to give CSO members of the said Committee the possibility of deciding on a common strategy and speaking with one voice. The priority being the development of a work plan and an action plan for validation in 2023. It should be noted that the main objective of the workshop was to revitalize the representation of CSOs in order to ensure they participate freely, actively, effectively and fully around national challenges and priorities for EITI compliance.
A summary of the discussions and conclusions presents the following key points:
1. From the evaluation of the level of commitment of CSOs to the EITI process
This exercise allowed CSOs to get a clear idea of their own commitment to the EITI process in Cameroon. The CSOs observe that notwithstanding the inertia inherent in the effective implementation of the provisions of the decree related to the procedures for the creation, organization and functioning of the Multipartite Group. The college of CSOs is effective and regular at the sessions of the Committee- EITI. However, there are weaknesses in terms of communication, consultation and coordination of the various members within and outside the Committee.
2. Possible solutions to overcome the shortcomings and limitations identified
With regard to the assessment of the level of commitment of CSOs, the following proposals were made:
- Strengthen the synergy of actions of CSOs in the EITI Committee and outside the EITI Committee;
- Promote communication between CSO members of the Platform;
-Strengthen the capacities of Platform members on technical issues (communication, mobilization of internal resources/funding, etc.);
- Monthly monitoring within the platform of the level of implementation of the corrective measures for the validation of 2023;
- Capitalize on the actions of civil society (in connection with the corrective measures) and formalize their dissemination;
- Set up a working group to formulate a CSO roadmap on validation 2023.
Consultation on the EITI Committee session of March 30, 2022
With regard to the draft agenda of the session of the EITI Committee, presented during the work, three (03) points were the subject of consultation by the Platform:
1. Examination with a view to adoption of the status of implementation of the corrective measures of the previous validation
In this respect, the Platform pays particular attention to the review of progress in the implementation of corrective measures to at least 75% for the 2023 validation. These corrective measures must be the priority in the review and validation of the work 2022 and 2023 included.
2. Consideration for adoption of the EITI work plan for the period from FY2022 to FY2023 inclusive
In this regard, the Platform recommends the non-validation of the work plan. An in-depth examination will have to be carried out beforehand within the college of civil society, extended to the other members with the objective of the effective integration of the 15 corrective measures targeting the college of CSOs, in the 2022 action plan.
3. Validation by the EITI Committee of the request to be sent to the International Secretariat, before the end of the 1st quarter of the current year, so that Cameroon can participate in the pilot project for the production of EITI reports
The platform has taken the position of not validating this request, if this option would constitute a risk in the production of the 2020 EITI Report, counting for the 2023 validation. That said, it is better to remain in the report production system EITI by an Independent Conciliator.
At the end of this review of the agenda, it was agreed to disseminate the conclusions of the Committee session within the Platform within 48 hours at the latest. These will allow us to write a policy note for the Minister of Finance, Chairman of the EITI Committee.