Too bad! It's been almost two years since we've been living with this global pandemic. While we are still engaged in the fight against this crisis, I hope that you and your families are taking the necessary precautions. We look forward to getting things back to normal and being able to hold our gatherings again without restrictions, especially in terms of numbers!
In the meantime, we are pleased to inform you that we will have the opportunity to meet again for the 9th Pan-African Conference on Illicit Financial Flows in the coming weeks.
You may not be aware, but the Pan African Conference (PAC) is one of the flagship activities of the Tax Justice Network-Africa (TJNA) for its vision of fair tax systems that promote increased fiscal revenues to finance African economies. This year, due to the constraints and implications of the Covid-19 as we experience it on the continent, the PAC organised from 25 to 29 October 2021 in Nairobi, the headquarters of the event; will be decentralised on the first two days (25 and 26) into pan-African country conferences. The host countries are South Africa, Cameroon, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda and DRC. Details of the event being hosted in Cameroon by us the Consortium (Africa Development Interchange Network (ADIN), AfroLeadership, Dynamique Mondiale des Jeunes (DMJ) Transparency International-Cameroon (TI-Cameroon), and the African Regional Centre for Endogenous and Community Development (CRADEC), are available here.
To register, please fill in this form. If you are unable to attend in person, you can watch the sessions live on the Facebook page and the YouTube account of the African Regional Center for Endogenous and Community Development (CRADEC).
A few tips
If you have any questions about the Pan-African Conference, please let us know via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +237 696271506/655392508. Join us, you will have contributed to the fight against IFFs!
Finally, to keep you informed of what CRADEC is doing, you can visit our web page and/or subscribe to our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages which are platforms where we share news on our activities.