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2nde Edition of the Citizen's Dialogue - 2020

As part of the commemoration of the international Anti-Corruption and Human Rights days, on December 9 and 10, 2020 respectively, the 2nd edition of the Citizen Dialogue was organized by an organizing committee made up of FASEDEV, FREEDOM'S SERVICE, AGNR, ADIN, Afroleadership, DMJ, REACH-OUT, and Transparency International-Cameroon, under the coordination of CRADEC (African Regional Center for Community and Endogenous Development), Leader of the Consortium and with the financial support of the European Union Delegation in Cameroon and the Norwegian International Development Cooperation Agency (NORAD), as well as with the technical support of Tax Justice Network-Africa (TJNA).

Around 85 participants had the opportunity of expression, information and exchanges with the various national, regional and local actors, on issues of fiscal governance and the fight against corruption, in connection with the national sustainable development goals. More specifically, this edition gave the opportunity to address issues related to the different sectors of public finance, human rights and decentralization, in connection with the fight against corruption, and the guarantee of human rights in Cameroon ; by the means of "Public Fortune as an indicator of national sovereignty".

The discussions took place in nine (09) panels under two (02) sub-themes namely: "Corruption and Human Rights in the COVID-19 pandemic context" and "The Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights in the COVID-19 pandemic context", on December 09 and 10 respectively.