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Suspension of Cameroon from the EITI: Civil society initiates public debate on Cameroon's suspension from the EITI

The year 2024 marks a significant turning point for Cameroonian civil society in its commitment to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). On March 14, 2024, a press conference was held at the headquarters of the Council of Protestant Churches in Cameroon (CEPCA) to inform the public about Cameroon's suspension from the EITI process.

This suspension, decided by the EITI Board on March 1, 2024, was motivated by the low engagement of Cameroonian civil society and the restrictions on civic space imposed by Cameroonian authorities.

The conference brought together civil society organizations that are members of the OSCC-ITIECam and CCPWYP platforms, as well as national and international media.

The suspension of the EITI has raised awareness and prompted civil society to mobilize to improve its organization and political influence. Weaknesses in organizational structure and financial mobilization were highlighted as responsible for this suspension. However, the press conference also emphasized the constraints imposed by the government on civil society, hindering its participation and expression in the EITI process. Participants advocated for greater involvement of civil society and the media in the implementation of the EITI in Cameroon, as well as the consideration of recommendations arising from the country's recent validation by the EITI Multi-Stakeholder Group.