Law n ° 2019/023 of December 24, 2019 on the finance law of the Republic of Cameroon for the financial year 2020 has been available since the end of 2019 and its implementation started in January 2020. Due to the health crisis, the said law was revised from 4.951.7 billion FCFA to 4.409 billion CFA francs, ie a decrease of 542.7 billion corresponding to -11.0%. It is in this context that CRADEC, member of the Civil Society Reference Group for the Transparency of Public Finances in consortium with REACH-OUT was appointed by COSADER, to organize and run an information campaign on the Law. 2020 Finance Committee and its announced Budget Collective and serve as a dissemination space for the 2020 Citizen Budget in the South-West region.
The overall objective of this campaign, which will take place in the 10 regions of Cameroon, is to promote the contribution of Civil Society to the implementation of the 2020 Operational Plan. It will also be a question of disseminating information on the 2020 Finance Law and disseminating the Citizens Budget 2020.
The workshop organized in Buea on July 09, 2020, had three highlights including the presentation of the 2020 Finance Law, the presentation of the impact of Covid-19 on the Finance Law and the dissemination of the Citizen Budget. About thirty participants took part in this workshop while respecting the barrier measures against Covid-19. During the work, members of civil society were informed about the preparation of the 2020 finance law and how the budget is spent in different sectors of the economy. As for the sequence on the Citizen Budget, it concluded with an emphasis on the role of civil society organizations as watchdogs over the actions of government authorities.
As a reminder, the overall objective of the Global Public Finance Management Reform Plan for the period 2019-2021 is to endow Cameroon with a transparent, efficient PFM system, in accordance with international standards, respectful of legal prerogatives and attributions. and regulatory institutions and administrations, as well as those of other PFM actors, and resolutely putting public finances at the service of the country's development and the well-being of citizens.