On Tuesday 06 June 2023, a major meeting was held at the Merina Hotel. It brought together key players from civil society and the media involved in monitoring the implementation of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Cameroon. The meeting was of key importance in the run-up to Cameroon's EITI Validation, scheduled for October 2023.
On Tuesday 06 June 2023, a major meeting was held at the Merina Hotel. It brought together key players from civil society and the media involved in monitoring the implementation of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Cameroon. The meeting was of key importance in the run-up to Cameroon's EITI Validation, scheduled for October 2023.
The meeting began with a warm welcome from the Moderator of CRADEC, who outlined the purpose of the session. It followed the submission of the report on the transparency of beneficial owners to the Cameroonian government and was intended to inform the members of the Enlarged College of CSOs-EITI of recent progress and the challenges ahead.
Discussions at the meeting focused on four main items on the agenda :
Presentation of the resolutions of the EITI Committee's double session: This section was moderated by PWYP's Technical Secretary, Mr Bernard DONGMO, who shared the important resolutions from the recent session of the EITI Committee. Discussions covered various aspects, from the definition of the scope of reconciliation to issues relating to transparency and sub-national transfers.
The current state of transparency in the oil sector in Cameroon: This part gave rise to exchanges on crucial subjects such as the GLENCORE and SAVANNAH affair. SNH also discussed its commitment to transparency.
Developing a roadmap: Participants discussed the steps needed to achieve the validation objectives, including training for candidates and penalties for non-compliance.
Conclusions, outlook and miscellaneous: The meeting was marked by constructive debates and enlightening recommendations from Dr. LIVINIUS, who made important suggestions for strengthening transparency in the extractive sector. In particular, he called for the publication of EITI-related activities by CSOs and raised the issue of sub-national transfers.
In short, this meeting of the Enlarged College of CSOs-EITI was a crucial moment in the process of preparing for EITI Validation in Cameroon. It underlined the importance of transparency in the extractive industries and paved the way for a more transparent and equitable future for Cameroon.
Read the minutes of the meeting