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Civil society organizations members and non members of the EITI Committee Cameroon met again in person this 05 May 2022 in Yaoundé. It was within the framework of a consultation workshop on the theme: For a satisfactory EITI 2023 validation of Cameroon, organized by CRADEC, as part of the implementation of the action "Strengthening Tax Justice in Cameroon", supported by Tax Justice Network-Africa and Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (TJNA/NORAD). This meeting followed the first session of the EITI Committee held on March 30. The main objective of the workshop was to advocate for the inclusion of national priorities and beyond in the 2022-2023 work plan for a more effective and satisfactory 3rd validation of Cameroon in 2023.

The first annual session of the EITI Committee having taken place on March 30, 2022, the CSOs, although skeptical at the beginning, welcome the argument presented by the Permanent Secretariat and which led to the validation by the Multi-stakeholder Group (GMP) of the request for the participation of Cameroon in the pilot project for the production of EITI reports. As for the draft work plan from 2022 to 2023 included, after examination it was sent back to the colleges for contributions with a view to adoption by the GMP.

Let us recall, with regard to the draft agenda of the session of the EITI Committee, presented during the works, three (03) points were the subject of a consultation of the CSO-ITIECAM Platform:

  • Review for adoption of the status of implementation of corrective actions from the previous Validation;
  • Review for adoption of the EITI work plan for the period from fiscal year 2022 to fiscal year 2023 inclusive;
  • Validation by the EITI Committee of the request to be sent to the International Secretariat, before the end of the first quarter of the current year, so that Cameroon can participate in the pilot project for the production of EITI reports.

In details, the participants in the work examined the proposals of organization of the EITI Committee for a better supervision of the GMP, formulated by the college within the Committee. Thus, the following proposals were formulated:

  1. A proposal for working commissions within the Committee;
  2. The elaboration of the ToR and roadmap of each of the commissions;
  3. The adoption of measures to remove the issue of incompatibility (judge and jury) in the validation of the work of each commission;
  4. The establishment and implementation of a strategy for mobilizing financial resources outside the MINFI budget or the State budget;
  5. The Gender, Inclusion and Stakeholder Capacity Building Commission;
  6. The financing of civil society contributed to the debates.

The closing of the CSO-ITIECAM consultation workshop was marked by the announcement in the coming days of the national workshop for the start of the roadmap of effective ownership.


 Final report of the 5 May workshop.pdf