On Tuesday 27 June 2023, a Round Table was held in Yaoundé as a prelude to Parliament's next Budget Orientation Debate (DOB). The event brought together the APNIFFT ("African Parliamentarians Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation"), representatives of civil society and the media to discuss how to improve the legal framework governing the DOB, with a view to establishing an inclusive, effective and efficient parliamentary debate on responsible budgetary guidelines.
On Tuesday 27 June 2023, a Round Table was held in Yaoundé as a prelude to Parliament's next Budget Orientation Debate (DOB). The event brought together the APNIFFT ("African Parliamentarians Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation"), representatives of civil society and the media to discuss how to improve the legal framework governing the DOB, with a view to establishing an inclusive, effective and efficient parliamentary debate on responsible budgetary guidelines.
The Round Table highlighted the current shortcomings of the budget timetable and the opportunities for improving the process, particularly regarding the DOB.
The recommendations resulting from this meeting are aimed at strengthening transparency, inter-institutional collaboration and citizen participation, with a view to ensuring responsible budgetary orientations in line with the country's development needs. The government, parliament, civil society and the media must join forces to implement these recommendations and promote a more inclusive, transparent and efficient budgetary process in Cameroon. Only by working together can we truly ensure a prosperous future for our nation.
Read the Round Table Report here