I. Background and justification
The African Regional Center for Endogenous and Community Development (CRADEC) recently organized a workshopadvanced training in economic journalism: reporting on tax issues and illicit financial flows, with a quality contribution from the EITI Permanent Secretariat.At the end of this training, CRADEC, in collaboration with EITI-Cameroon, wishes to launch a competition to reward the best media productions (articles, reports, broadcasts, etc.) dealing with transparency and the fight against IFFs, in connection with the implementation of corrective measures resulting from the 3rd validation of Cameroon to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Cameroon. This competition is part of CRADEC's efforts to mobilize the media and the general public around the issues of transparency and the mobilization of domestic resources in the country, through responsible exploitation of oil, gas and mining extractive resources.
II. Objectives
ü General objectives
Stimulate the production of quality, innovative and high-impact media content on transparency and the fight against illicit financial flows for the general public.
More specifically, the competition aims to:
· Strengthen public awareness and understanding of the issues of transparency, accountability and the fight against IFFs in Cameroon;
· Promote the essential role of the media in citizen control and good governance of public resources from the oil, gas and mining sectors;
· Encourage the commitment and skills of journalists to conduct in-depth investigations and provide quality information on these complex issues;
· Contribute to greater mobilization of national actors (authorities, civil society, private sector) in favor of transparency and the fight against IFFs;
· Promote the sharing of experiences and good media practices at the national and sub-regional levels.
By rewarding the best productions, offering support to the winners and ensuring wide dissemination of the content, this competition aims to stimulate a sustainable dynamic of information and citizen awareness on these crucial issues for the effective implementation of corrective measures for the lifting of Cameroon's suspension from the EITI.
III. Eligibility criteria
- Being a media professional working in Cameroon,
- Have produced one or more media works (article, report, broadcast, etc.) between June 7, 2024 and September 30, 2025 as part of this competition,
- Having shared these productions with CRADEC,
- Productions must focus on topics related to transparency and the fight against IFFs, in connection with the implementation of the EITI in Cameroon.
Based on the applications received, CRADEC will select 04 media which will be put into competition.
IV. Main categories of eligible media productions
1. Press articles
- Investigative or in-depth articles on transparency and anti-IFF issues related to the implementation of the EITI in Cameroon.
- Analyses and editorials addressing these themes.
2. Audiovisual reports
- Television or radio reports on initiatives, issues or key players in the fight against IFFs.
- Documentaries delving deeper into these topics.
3. Digital productions
- Articles, blog posts or videos published online on news sites or specialized platforms.
- Interactive content (infographics, data visualizations, etc.) allowing a better understanding of the issues.
4. Information and debate broadcasts
- Radio or TV broadcasts that address in depth issues of transparency and the fight against IFFs.
- Short format broadcasts (chronicles, clips, etc.) dealing with these themes.
All journalistic genres are eligible, provided that the productions are of quality and provide added value in terms of information, analysis and public awareness.
All applicants will complete the participation form below[1]no later than Sunday October 5, 2025 detailing the context, the approach and the expected impact of their Production(s).
Link to the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdoTv1oefU39BJGIMlJU1KB_HnfUrig5-El3MKh6_8Raaha8Q/viewform?usp=header
V. Evaluation criteria and composition of the jury
· Relevance and treatment of the subject (20 points)
· Quality and originality of the production (20 points)
· Impact and potential influence (20 points)
· Contribution to transparency and the fight against IFFs (20 points)
· Respect for the framework and ethics (20 points)
The jury will be composed of independent experts in journalism, natural resource management and the fight against corruption.
VI. Competition Schedule
- Launch of the call for proposals: December 13, 2024
- Start of competition : January 1st
- Deadline for submission of applications: September 30, 2025
- Evaluation of productions and jury deliberation: October/November 2025
- Awards ceremony : October/November 2025[2]
VII. Procedure for submitting proposals
Ø Applicants will be required to submit their media production(s) along with a duly completed entry form.
Ø Application files will be sent electronically to the following address: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. with copy to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. and Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.;
Ø An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to each candidate.
For any further information, please contact CRADEC at: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. with copy to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..
VIII. Main rewards and prizes offered to the winners of the competition
1. Best Media Productions Awards :
- 1st prize : 500,000 FCFA
- 2nd prize : 300,000 FCFA
- 3rd prize : 200,000 FCFA
- 4th prize : 100,000 FCFA
All winners will receive a trophy, a certificate and the winning productions will be widely distributed through CRADEC's social networks.[3]and its partners as well as the TiffHub[4].
IX. AnnexsResources
- EITI Standard 2023
- EITI/Cameroon conciliation reports : 2010-2020
- Validation reports 2021, 2023
- EITI Beneficial Ownership Study Reports
- Documentation from the CRADEC Training, in June 2024;
- Any useful documentation from EITI, CRADEC, Companies, CSOs, media, etc. involved in monitoring extractive industries.
[1] https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdoTv1oefU39BJGIMlJU1KB_HnfUrig5-El3MKh6_8Raaha8Q/viewform?usp=header
[2] This date is subject to change